迴川・ 陳宅   |   Between Contours

「迴川」試圖著整合不同的生活界面, 將空間區域相互柔合, 形成一家三口生活的流動體。
戶主期望是次的空間改造能帶來一個適合小女兒生活及家人互動互融的家。項目的規劃因此以相互流動的空間景觀作核心﹐並以不同材質的白層去細作多件日常家具及開放式的室內構件﹐讓一家人沉醉在一個過濾著城巿繁瑣的微霧空間中﹐ 並能隨時隨意的交流。
‘Between Contours’ attempts to integrate the different interfaces of living and fuse them in harmony to create a fluid and tranquil space for a family of three.

項目中整體環境均以不同形式的白材及原色作主導﹐ 而小女兒的卧室獨以木材舖砌﹐並在半層空間的間牆上打開了一扇與主空間交流的圓窗﹐營造成霧間的一所小樹屋﹐增添寧靜而溫暖的趣味感。家裡的主生活空間、備餐區域、通廊及卧室等都避免以常規性實體分隔﹐而是運用空間線條、形態、構件色彩及材質去區分、融合﹐同時以內窗、拱門及織物等去揭露貫穿視覺的元素﹐ 加強空間協調及人物互動。
Our client desires that the transformation of the apartment could bring about a home versatile for the life of their young daughter and encourage communications between family members. The planning of the project therefore focuses on the natural flow of spatial landscapes by making use of white contours in various forms of materials to compose the everyday furniture and interior archetypes, so that the family can indulge in a space that filters the hustle of the city.

家裡的環境是一個有機而開放的形態﹐當中的構件都擺脫著原來的純功能: 主空間的水磨石坐椅經廊道變化成工作枱面, ﹐讓小女兒能從花園邊開始攀爬到工作中的父母身旁﹐提醒著我們忙中作樂; 彎曲的廊道以灰白色的陶土瓷磚垂直舖砌﹐沿著備餐區及主空間伸延到小女兒的卧室﹐展視材質對於空間一體性的承載; 多個空間的弧線天花及牆面均以半光澤的石灰塗料製作﹐並從不同的地方延伸至父母卧室的雙半拱門﹐ 構成家中一個多元性的主動線。

The overall environment of the project is dominated by different forms of white and bold arrays of primary color, while the daughter's bedroom is encased with wood to induce the sensation of a small tree house sitting in the mist , giving a tint of tranquillity and warmth. The main living space, kitchen, corridor